February 27, 2008
New Design
I have the 'hem' done and have gotten out paper and pen to figure out how to fit the design in that I want.
Hopefully the 'unveiling' won't be too far in the future.
It is knit with acrylic, though it could be knit with any ww yarn. I am going for the cheap version until I see what comes out of this mess I have created.
Stay tuned for the unveiling........
February 26, 2008
Finished Cloth

The cloth is done. The pattern is up at the H.O.G. Cloth
I thought that I would go ahead and whip up a few of them since I had the needles flying.
Today I have caught some kind of bug, I don't think it's the flu, but it sure feels like it. My whole body aches, but no runny nose or congestion. Just icky aches and pains.
I don't know if I am going to get any knitting done today or not. Maybe later on this afternoon I will try, I think right now I hear the bed calling me back.
February 23, 2008
Necessity has decided my fate...
Washcloths, baby washcloths to be exact, well, to be more exact, it would be kid wash cloths.
Here in the "House of Grands" we have two boy grandkids, and two girls. Now don't even go thinking the girls stay any cleaner than the boys......a wild misconception.
And every time I have a dirty face or muddy pair of hands to wash down, no damn washcloths, I have to carry my whining, complaining package to the bathroom, fish out a bath cloth and wipe them down. Therefore, the birth of the kid cloth. A tad size bigger than the baby cloth, and much more effective.
The pattern will be posted at The Knittinfree Blog. The Link is in the sidebar.
February 22, 2008
Help! I don't know what iI want to knit..
I have plenty of time, and I don't feel like knitting a scarf right now.
But now I have a dilemma, usually by the time I am half way through with a project, I know what my next one will be, and I have no clue this time.
I am on a hunt.......what do I want to knit next, dishcloths.....kitchen towels.....socks for my baby sis......hats and sweaters for the grand girls........sleeping shorts for the grand boys........I don't know.
I guess I will scour the Internet and see what strikes my fancy. It's Friday, I will have all four grand babies in a few hours, and I have nothing I want otn. The horror of it all...........please, give me some ideas! leah@knititnfun.com
February 21, 2008
Seamless Baby Kimono Finished

February 19, 2008
The Finished Lillian!!
The Complete Fabrication: Seamless Baby Kimono
I think this is going to be the next project.
The Complete Fabrication: Seamless Baby Kimono
For baby Triniti, the latest addition to the Grandbabies. She hasn't received anything knitted from MiMi since her baby shower. A wrap sweater with a matching blanket. So she is my next project.I think I am going to do it in a worsted weight size, she is the same size as the dk version, but by the time I get it done, maybe not. She grows so fast!
February 18, 2008
The Lillian, in progress
New Pattern Coming ......

This is the pattern I made up for Desire's fingerless gloves to take to Iraq with her. Since these I have made Cole a pair in black.
This is just a basic pattern, nothing fancy, though I am going to add some embellishments later.
The pattern should be all written up and ready for posting by tonight, early tomorrow at the latest. If I can figure out how to load up a pdf to this blog.
Keep any eye out for it.
February 17, 2008
KnittingHelp.com | Advanced Knitting Techniques
What a great website! Full of videos for learning new techniques, or just touching up on some old ones.
My next 'learning curve' is going to be two socks on two circs, I just can't seem to get the hang of it. But I will eventually.
I am hoping to get some knitting done today on the Lillian, I haven't picked it up since Thursday. What with the Grandbabies Daddy, and Kendall home,(two events that rarely happen at the same time) I have been busy doing other things.
The Nascar race this afternoon should give me plenty of sit down time to get some work done on it.
Kendall has a rack of ribs on the grill and the baked beans are 'baking away' in the oven and it's almost race time. Nascar Knitting!
February 16, 2008
The Sun, The Sand, The Beach
Shilo, our two year old German Shepherd loves the water, the sand, and he won't take his eyes off of that ball!

I did finally get him to pose for me once, when Kendall was walking away. He has to know where everyone is, so he was waiting for me to catch up.

The 16 year old, Cole, it was a feat in itself getting him to do anything that didn't include a 360 controller.

Kendall and Cole and Shilo, Sam is hiding in the back

Me and Kendall, yes I was cold!

Knittinstash page now up and running

February 13, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day From Desire' in Iraq
February 12, 2008
Kendall is finally home
Kendall has been gone for over a week, and the bad storms today, not much knitting time.
Had to pick the kids up early from daycare, wanted to beat the lightening and the rain.
I did get a few rows of the last set of 20 in before dinner time, but not many.
Hopefully I will get some in tomorrow while I wait for the windshield repair guy. Isaac decided that my windshield would make a good target for throwing rocks. ;0) Our little football player ;0)
The storms have finally passed, the bad stuff anyway. Now I am off to sit down with hubby and watch some Idol.
February 11, 2008
No Knitting Today

February 10, 2008
Lillian Tank.....uh.oh
I don't know what happened with the printout, but it drove me crazy for over two hours while I reknit and thought hard, (yes, now I have a headache).
Funny how 1 little * can change a whole pattern, and not for the better in this case
So if anyone is making the Lillian, check your printed out pattern againest the website.
Not allot of time
The only knitting time I got in was after nine p.m. when they were all finally in the bed. I did get the cast on and the 1/2" of k1p1 (I didn't get enough with the Tempting II right?) then before my eyelids got so heavy I couldn't hold them up anymore, I did get to round 13 of the first 20.
I plan on having more time to work on it today and get a few pics along the way. I will post progress pics through out the day.
February 8, 2008
Next project in line
It has been good for me so far. I never have 3 FO's by the 2nd month of a new year. Especially not two sweaters.
So with all of that in mind, I have found my next project
The Lillian Tank
I love this tank, or at least I love the way it looks on her. Hopefully mine will look half that good and we will be doing o.k.
I think I am going to do mine in the LB Cotton Ease once again.
I went a little overboard on Ebay a few months ago, and I have plenty.
I am going to swatch it out tonight and see if it will work. If not, I have a HUGE stash, I am sure I can find something.
February 7, 2008
2nd FO of the 2008
3rd FO for the New Year

8 days of K1P1 ribbing!
It was well worth it. I think this is going to be my favorite short sleeved sweater this year.
I introduce: Tempting II.
My version anyway.
The specs and The Mods
Knit on size 8 Addi Turbos with Lion Brand Cotton Ease in Country Blue
I knit the small size but knit 15" till the sleeves instead of 13.
I did the sleeves and yoke according to the directions until I got to the collar. I didn't like the wide yoke, kept slippin g off of my shoulders, so after three froggings, I finally knit to the decreases and then I knit one more round, then k2tog around. After that I followed the directions for edging, but knit only 5 sts instead of 11 and started the ssk attatchments with the very first row.
I really like the way it fits. I have gotten more compliments on the neckline than I have on the sweater.
Back to Life

Isaac and Isabella have been a huge help for me, when I really miss their Mama. Isaac has his Mama's out going easy go lucky personality. With a little attitude thrown in for good measure.
Bella Marie has all the qualities of her Mother's not so easy going side. They keep me sane as we just wait for her to get back home again. I don't know what we would have done without them around.
Kevin, their Daddy has become like one of our kids, we spend alot of time together because not only has his wife left, his whole family is up north in New Hampshire. We try our best to be there for him and make him feel like he is our family now too.
It's a tough life these kids are having to go through, all of them, Bella was only 8 months old when her Mama left. Kevin had only been home from Iraq himself for a couple of years.
They are all doing good though and getting by the best we all can. But it will be over soon!
The last week in April is when she is due home again. And we can't wait.
Getting back in the groove
It's been so long since I have wanted to knit anything. I knit so many socks when I started knitting back in '99 that I was comp...
I found this pattern on the internet: Tube Socks And decided to tweak it a bit to fit the Grandbrat. The design is almost the same Here is w...
New Free Pattern for everyone The Checkerboard Cloth and Towel Set I hope you enjoy this pattern as much as I do. The sample was knit with P...
I finished this cowl for my Mom last night as part of her Christmas gift. My plan is to add a slouchy hat and some cute wristlets t...