January 7, 2015

Interesting LOTD (Links Of The Day)

I have basically been surfing around the internet, entertaining myself and posted a few links over at the  Knittinfun Facebook Page but I didn't want to bomb everyone with all the nifty things I am looking at today, so I am going to post some here.
My little list of "oohhs and ahhhs"

Audrey Hepburn
Boot Slippers
Braided Cuffs
Cornflower Gloves
Easy Knitted Fingerless Mitts 
Forest Park Cowl
Mostly Lazy
Oh handsome Cabled Sweater (men)
Owl Wings Stole
Phrygian Cap
Party Bottle Cozy
Reversible Snowflake Hat
Seamless Soap Sweater
Tri-Colour Slouch Hat

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Getting back in the groove

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