March 10, 2008

Sure can't wait

I have been patiently waiting for the new Interweave Knits Interweave Press to get to me.
My invoice said it would ship on March the 6th. Ok, still waiting. This is the only problem with subbing to the magazine, I have seen it in Wally World for about a week. When I wasn't subbed to it, my Walmart didn't carry it. Go figure.
So if you have gotten yours it as cool as it looks on the website?
I like about half of the patterns in there. Usually it's only one or two patterns per mag, but this one looks like it is going to keep me pretty busy, and I can't wait to get my greedy little fingers on it.
Maybe it will be soon.
The design is almost to the bodice, and no I still haven't figured out what to do with it yet.
I am pretty sure it is going to end up a tank, but it's one of those, hmmmm...... mayhap it is, mayhap it ain't. (Stephen King punn there)
Someone suggested "Almost Blue" for the name, wait till you see the color, blue is the furtherest from it.
I will take some pics this evening and show you....think more along the lines of, Hot Mama! Pink!
You will just have to wait to see it.

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Getting back in the groove

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